Clermontia montis-loa

Rock (1913)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Asterales Family: Campanulaceae Genus: Clermontia

‘ōhā [oha], ‘ōhā wai [oha wai], hāhā [haha]


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Shrubs or trees, 2–5 m tall, terrestrial or epiphytic.

Stems: Stems branched repeatedly, spreading, light gray or light brown, glabrous or rarely pubescent, with numerous helically arranged leaf scars near apex, pith solid, latex white, viscous.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate. Blades oblanceolate or oblong, 8–19 cm long, 2.2–4.5 cm wide. Apex acute, acuminate, or cuspidate. Base attenuate. Upper surfaces glabrous; lower surfaces pubescent; lamina coriaceous, dull; upper surfaces dark green; lower surfaces pale green sometimes suffused with purple. Margins callose–crenulate. Petioles 1.5–6 cm long, glabrous or pubescent. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers in inflorescences 2(–3)–flowered, glabrous or pubescent; peduncle 0.3–1.8 cm long, spreading, bibracteate at middle or apex; pedicels 0.3–1.8 cm long, spreading, bibracteolate at middle. Flowers bisexual (perfect), epigynous, zygomorphic, resupinate, protandrous. Hypanthium 1–1.6 cm long, 0.8–1.1 cm in diameter, obconic or obovoid, glabrous. Perianth 3.8–5 cm long, bilabiate, green or dark purple outside, dark purple within, glabrous; tube 0.8–1.6 cm long, 0.7–1.1 cm in diameter, suberect; lobes 2.4–3.8 cm long, 3–4 mm wide, spreading. Stamens 5, syngenesious, alternate with the corolla lobes, staminal column included or slightly exserted, suberect; anthers connate, dithecal, opening introrsely by longitudinal slits, dark purple, the 3 dorsal ones a little longer than the 2 ventral ones, the latter with tufts of stiff white trichomes at apex, otherwise glabrous, or sometimes pubescent along the sutures, rarely so on the surfaces, the tube 1.2–1.5 cm long, 3–4 mm in diameter, glabrous; filaments connate above, free from the corolla, 2.6–3.4 cm long, dark purple, glabrous. Pollen tricolporate, prolate, ellipsoidal. Ovary inferior, 2-carpellate, 2-loculed; ovule placentation axile, placentae large; style slender, terete (cylindrical), with a ring of stiff white hairs near apex; stigma 2-lobed, the lobes appressed and non–receptive as the style grows through the anther tube, pushing out pollen, after which the stigmas spread and become receptive.

Fruit: Berries 2.5–3 cm long; 1.5–3 cm in diameter; orange; subglobose or ellipsoid. Seeds numerous; tiny; dark brown or black; minutely foveate–reticulate; shiny; with a straight; short to spatulate dicotyledonous embryo embedded in oily endosperm.

Ploidy: 2n = 14*.

Habitat: Montane rain forests.

Elevation Range: 1070–1700 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Hawai'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Coll. Hawaii Publ. Bull. 2: 40 (1913)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:432 (H); Lammers 1991:54 (KEY, DESCR)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Clermontia montis-loa Rock below Anipeahi, within Kapapala Forest Reserve, Kau District Open Acacia - Metrosideros with Ilex, Myoporum, Cibotium, Alyxia, and Dryopteris. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 613 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1981
2 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Puna, Olaa, E Mauna Loa, SE of Puu Kulani; Tr 30(50) wet ohia forest w/ other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory; growing on broken pahoehoe. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1259 Hawaii BISH 7/26/1977
3 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, waiohinu, se mauna loa, s of kipuka pahipa Open ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van riper iii, c. et al. collector number: jdj 672 Oahu BISH 6/3/1976
4 Clermontia montis-loa Rock S Hilo, ~17 mi SE of Pohakuloa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Webster, G.L. 13968 Hawaii BISH 6/28/1968
5 Clermontia montis-loa Rock makai of Kulani Prison dense forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 21838 Hawaii BISH 2/15/1952
6 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau, Kaalaala, SE Mauna Loa, near Waihaka gulch koa, ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Casey, T. JDJ 628 Hawaii BISH 5/26/1976
7 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kalanilehua, Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 12835 Hawaii BISH 8/30/1917
8 Clermontia montis-loa Rock CA. 1 km east of Saddle Rd., in closed to open Ohia forest Closed to open Ohia forest (slight ohia canopy dieback) Shrubby understory PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1526 Hawaii BISH 11/12/1977
9 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau, Makakakopumoa, SE Mauna Loa, Moaula Gulch ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Scott, M. JDJ 705 Hawaii BISH 6/8/1976
10 Clermontia montis-loa Rock mauna loa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lindsey, t. Oahu BISH 11/1/1957
11 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, kaalaala, se mauna loa, near waihaka gulch koa, ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN casey, t. collins, m. collector number: jdj 627 Hawaii BISH 5/26/1976
12 Clermontia montis-loa Rock stainback highway, south hilo district Growing near road in disturbed Metrosideros - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gay, r. collector number: esp 243 Hawaii BISH 7/12/1979
13 Clermontia montis-loa Rock 4.6 mi. up kulani rd., waiakea, s hilo Found with Syzygium sandwicensis, Kadua affinis, Pittosporum gayanum, P. glabrum, Ilex anomala, Melicope anisata, M. clusiifolia, Myrsine dentata, M. Punctata, Psychotria hexandra, P. mariniana, P. greenwel. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. cowan, r.s.; rogers, d.p. collector number: 22344 Kauai BISH 12/24/1986
14 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kilauea, lava tube parking area Rare in Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest with Melicope clusiifolia, Dryopteris spp., Stenogyne rotundifolia, Polystichum bonseyi, Rubus macraei, Rubus hawaiensis, Lycopodium venustulum. Threats: Holcus lanatus, Hypochoeris radicata, Prunella vulgaris. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fagerlund, g.o. mitchell, a.l. collector number: 321 Maui BISH 2/10/1943
15 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, makakakopumoa, se mauna loa, moaula gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN scott, m. et al. collector number: jdj 703 Maui BISH 6/8/1976
16 Clermontia montis-loa Rock 29 miles PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hashimoto, j. collector number: rock 13122 Hawaii BISH 8/8/1918
17 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau, Kahuku, SW Mauna Loa, S of Kipukas o Pele Ike and Peehi 1.5 m up on koa log; ohia; on aa/soil PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Jacobi, J.D. 1107 Hawaii BISH 7/18/1978
18 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, kaalaala, se mauna loa, near waihaka gulch koa, ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN casey, t. collins, m. collector number: jdj 628 Hawaii BISH 5/26/1976
19 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Puna, Olaa, E Mauna Loa, SE of Puu Kulani; Tr 30(50) wet ohia forest w/ other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory; growing on broken pahoehoe. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. 1259 Hawaii BISH 7/26/1978
20 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, makakakopumoa, se mauna loa, moaula gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN scott, m. et al. collector number: jdj 704 Oahu BISH 6/8/1976
21 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kaiholena Unit, TNC Kau Preserve, Old Plantation Springs closed to open Metrosideros forest 50-70% cover @8-15 m with Cheirodendron trigynum 10-30% cover @5-8 m, over secondary canopy of native shrubs with Cibotium chamissoi 50-80% @3-5 m, Sadleria 10-20% @1-3 m, and Broussaisia arguta 10-40% @1.5-4 m, dissected by riparian habitat PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 12865 Hawaii BISH 3/12/2008
22 Clermontia montis-loa Rock S Hilo, Piihonua, E Mauna Kea, fork of Wailuku river and Waipahoehoe Gulch wet ohia, koa; on Cibotium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1587 Hawaii BISH 12/5/1977
23 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kilauea Forest Reserve (T-KP), Kau District Closed Acacia koa-Metrosideros-Cibotium froest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 22 Hawaii BISH 10/31/1979
24 Clermontia montis-loa Rock puna, olaa fr, 10.8 mi. from jct. stainback and 17 hwys toward kulani prison moist; with Sadleria PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herat, t. herat, r.; higashino, p.k. collector number: 574 Hawaii BISH 6/15/1974
25 Clermontia montis-loa Rock puna, olaa fr, ~10.8 km from jct of stainback and 17 hwys PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herat, t. herat, r.; higashino, p.k. collector number: 575 French Frigate Shoals BISH 6/15/1974
26 Clermontia montis-loa Rock makai of Kulani Prison dense forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 27838 Hawaii BISH 2/15/1952
27 Clermontia montis-loa Rock below Anipeahi, within Kapapala Forest Reserve, Kau District Open Acacia - Metrosideros with Ilex, Myoporum, Cibotium, Alyxia, and Dryopteris. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. Anderson, S. Collector Number: 613 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1981
28 Clermontia montis-loa Rock olaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lindsey, t. Oahu BISH 11/1/1957
29 Clermontia montis-loa Rock waiakea; site 21 os upper waiakea forest reserve Closed healthy forest. Soil a moderately shallow, well drained organic over an a`a flow. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, M. sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum & Broussaisia arguta. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/1/1979
30 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Hilo FR, trail to Wailuku Stream edge of wet Metrosideros forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 5143 Hawaii BISH 1/14/1975
31 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kilauea Forest. Location TKHa 3375' Epiphytic on `ohi`a. Growing in closed Metrosideros - Acacia koa - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 80.299 Hawaii BISH 2/25/1980
32 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kilauea Forest, Kau District. (T-KJa) Epiphytic on fallen log in open canopy Metrosideros - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. Collector Number: 626 Hawaii BISH 10/9/1980
33 Clermontia montis-loa Rock waiakea mauka near Clermontia parviflora, rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. shimabukuro, k. collector number: 2693 Hawaii BISH 7/19/1986
34 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, kahuku, sw mauna loa, s of kipukas o pele ike and peehi 1.5 m up on koa log; ohia; on aa/soil PRESERVED_SPECIMEN jacobi, j.d. collector number: 1107 Hawaii BISH 7/18/1978
35 Clermontia montis-loa Rock saddle rd. kipuka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. Hawaii BISH 11/27/1957
36 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Puna, Olaa FR, 1.2 mi S of Stainback Hwy. and 0.5 mi W of Puu Makaala wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lammers, T.G. 5806 Hawaii BISH 6/28/1985
37 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kilauea Forest Reserve (T-KP), Kau District Closed Acacia koa-Metrosideros-Cibotium froest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. ESP Collector Number: 022 Hawaii BISH 10/31/1979
38 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Hilo FR, N from Mile 14 on Saddle Road to Wailuku River PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lammers, T.G. 5425 Hawaii BISH 9/4/1983
39 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kulani rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 26000 Hawaii BISH 1/8/1958
40 Clermontia montis-loa Rock olaa fr Dry hillside along pipeline trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lindsey, t. Oahu BISH 11/1/1957
41 Clermontia montis-loa Rock s hilo, piihonua, e mauna kea, ~0.5 km n of 1855 flow wet ohia; on Cibotium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1527 Hawaii BISH 11/12/1977
42 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Naalehu, Kau, Mauna Loa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 10002 Hawaii BISH 1/9/1912
43 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Stainback Highway, South HIlo District Growing near road in disturbed Metrosideros - Cibotium forest, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gay, R. ESP 242 Hawaii BISH 7/12/1979
44 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Hilo, upper Kulani Prison Rd. with Metrosideros polymorpha, Eurya, Pipturus, Cibotium, Sadleria, Straussia, Freycinetia, Labordia, Broussaisia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Carlquist, S. 2030 Hawaii BISH 7/22/1966
45 Clermontia montis-loa Rock piihonua; hilo forest reserve, site 13 os Pubescent ohia dieback. Soil an extremely shallow and excessively drained organic type found over an a'a flow. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha (pubescent), Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, M. sandwicensis & Cheirodendron trigynum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 5/23/1978
46 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Stainback Highway, South HIlo District Growing near road in disturbed Metrosideros - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gay, R. Collector Number: ESP 242 Hawaii BISH 7/12/1979
47 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kalanilehua, kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 12835 Molokai BISH 8/30/1917
48 Clermontia montis-loa Rock S Hilo, Piihonua, E Mauna Kea, N of 1855 flow wet, ohia; 50 cm up on Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1526 Hawaii BISH 11/12/1977
49 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, naalehu In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 10002 Oahu BISH 1/9/1912
50 Clermontia montis-loa Rock above hilo, saddle road kipuka, rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 25637 Hawaii BISH 12/5/1956
51 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kilauea forest. location tkha 3375' Epiphytic on `ohi`a. Growing in closed Metrosideros - Acacia koa - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. collector number: 80.299 Hawaii BISH 2/25/1980
52 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau, Kaalaala, SE Mauna Loa, near Waihaka gulch koa, ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Casey, T. JDJ 627 Hawaii BISH 5/26/1976
53 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kulani prison rd., 2 mi. e of kulani rain forest margin PRESERVED_SPECIMEN henrickson, j.s. collector number: 4121 Hawaii BISH 8/7/1969
54 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Steinback Rd., Upper Waiakea FR Rainforest, volcanic terrain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Carter, I. CS17 Hawaii BISH 6/13/2000
55 Clermontia montis-loa Rock hilo fr, n from mile 14 on saddle road to wailuku river PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lammers, t.g. collector number: 5425 Hawaii BISH 9/4/1983
56 Clermontia montis-loa Rock ca. 1 km east of saddle rd., in closed to open ohia forest dry hillside PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1526 Oahu BISH 11/12/1977
57 Clermontia montis-loa Rock hilo fr, wailuku river, off saddle road wet forest; Metrosideros, Dicranopteris, Sadleria, Kadua centranthoides, Clermontia montis-loa, Vaccinium, Machaerina angustifolia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. collector number: 13029 Hawaii BISH 5/19/2008
58 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau, Ninole, SE Mauna Loa ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns; on Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Conant, P. JDJ 725 Hawaii BISH 6/17/1976
59 Clermontia montis-loa Rock puna, olaa fr, 1.2 mi. s of stainback hwy. and 0.5 mi. w of puu makaala wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lammers, t.g. mayr, s.; wong, g. collector number: 5806 Hawaii BISH 6/28/1985
60 Clermontia montis-loa Rock below anipeahi, within kapapala forest reserve, kau district Open Acacia - Metrosideros with Ilex, Myoporum, Cibotium, Alyxia, and Dryopteris. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. anderson, s. collector number: 613 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1981
61 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau Dist. Kaalaala Ahu. Tr 9; SE slope of Mauna Loa, Kau Forest reserve, near Waihaka Gulch Wet koa ohi`a forest with other native trees & a treefern, native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Casey, T. JDJ 627 Hawaii BISH 5/26/1976
62 Clermontia montis-loa Rock above Hilo, Saddle Road kipuka, rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 25637 Hawaii BISH 12/5/1956
63 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau, Ninole, SE Mauna Loa, NE of 1950 flow near upper Punaluu Gulch ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns; on Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Conant, P. JDJ 726 Hawaii BISH 6/17/1976
64 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, makakupu, se mauna loa, hionamoa gulch koa, ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN conant, p. collector number: jdj 632 Hawaii BISH 5/26/1976
65 Clermontia montis-loa Rock waiakea; site 21 os upper waiakea forest reserve Closed healthy forest. Soil a moderately shallow, well drained organic over an a`a flow. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, M. sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum & Broussaisia arguta. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 1/13/1978
66 Clermontia montis-loa Rock N Hilo, Laupahoehoe, E Mauna Kea, Haakoa Stream wet, ohia, koa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1293 Hawaii BISH 8/10/1977
67 Clermontia montis-loa Rock hilo, upper kulani prison rd. with Metrosideros polymorpha, Eurya, Pipturus, Cibotium, Sadleria, Straussia, Freycinetia, Labordia, Broussaisia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN carlquist, s. collector number: 2030 Hawaii BISH 7/22/1966
68 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kilauea, kalauilehu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 12833 Hawaii BISH 8/30/1917
69 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, waiohinu, se mauna loa, s of kipuka pahipa ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van riper iii, c. et al. collector number: jdj 670 Hawaii BISH 6/3/1976
70 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kilauea forest reserve (t-kp), kau district Closed Acacia koa-Metrosideros-Cibotium froest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cuddihy, l.w. esp collector number: 022 Hawaii BISH 10/31/1979
71 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Piihonua; Hilo Forest Reserve, Site 13 OS Pubescent ohia dieback. Soil an extremely shallow and excessively drained organic type found over an a'a flow. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha (pubescent), Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, M. sandwicensis & Cheirodendron trigynum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 5/23/1978
72 Clermontia montis-loa Rock n hilo, laupahoehoe, e mauna kea, haakoa stream Metrosideros, Myrsine, Schinus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1293 Oahu BISH 8/10/1977
73 Clermontia montis-loa Rock puna, olaa fr, ~10.8 km from jct of stainback and 17 hwys moist, with Sadleria PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herat, t. herat, r.; higashino, p.k. collector number: 573 Hawaii BISH 6/15/1974
74 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Olaa FR PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lindsey, T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 11/1/1957
75 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kilauea forest, kau district. (t-kja) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cuddihy, l.w. collector number: 626 Oahu BISH 10/9/1980
76 Clermontia montis-loa Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 1857 A
77 Clermontia montis-loa Rock 29 miles PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hashimoto, J. Rock 13122 Hawaii BISH 8/1/1918
78 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Steinback Rd., Upper Waiakea FR Rainforest, volcanic terrain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Carter, I. CS13 Hawaii BISH 6/13/2000
79 Clermontia montis-loa Rock western branch of mapulehu valley, [island of] molokai, territory of hawaii PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 7847 NY 7/20/1928
80 Clermontia montis-loa Rock plantae hawaiienses. ins. hawaii: hawaii, kohala above waimea 29/9 1922 det. csg. [= carl skottsberg] carl skottsberg. nr. 707. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN skottsberg, c. 707 GB 9/29/1922
81 Clermontia montis-loa Rock woods of naalehu, kau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 10002 GH 1/9/1912
82 Clermontia montis-loa Rock hilo forest reserve, wailuku river rd, n of highway, at 22.4km marker of saddle rd Montane wet forest, montane disturbance community; old-growth forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN r. e. palmer 30025 NY 7/23/1997
83 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kaiholena Unit, TNC Ka`u Preserve, Nanuamaia to northeastern fence corner. Closed to open Metrosideros forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12422 Hawaii PTBG 5/17/2007
84 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Hilo Forest Reserve, Wailuku River Rd, N of highway, at 22.4km marker of Saddle Rd Montane wet forest, montane disturbance community; old-growth forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN R. E. Palmer 30025 NY 7/23/1997
85 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Puu Makaala N.A.R., survey transect 9 Kulani Cone sl opes along transect line. In Metrosideros - Cibotium montane wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10533 Hawaii PTBG 2/1/2018
86 Clermontia montis-loa Rock HAWAII: *Kaiholena Unit, northwestern corner of TNC Ka`u Preserve, Nanuamaia to Pali Muku, * closed to open Metrosideros forest w/ Cheirodendron over Cibotium and native shrubs, 50–70% cover of Metrosideros @ 12–15 m, Cheirodendron trigynum 30–40% cover @ 5–8 m; Cibotium chamissoi 50–80% @ 3–5 m; most common understory dicot is Broussaisia arguta, ground cover often thickly matted in sphagnum moss PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12414 Hawaii PTBG 5/16/2007
87 Clermontia montis-loa Rock HAWAII: *Kaiholena Unit, TNC Ka`u Preserve, Old Plantation Springs area, *closed to open Metrosideros forest 50–70% cover @ 8–15 m with Cheirodendron trigynum 10–30% cover @ 5–8 m, over secondary canopy of native shrubs with Cibotium chamissoi 50–80% @ 3–5 m, Sadleria spp. 10–20% @ 1–3 m, and Broussaisia arguta 10–40% @ 1.5–4 m, dissected by riparian habitat PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12865 Hawaii PTBG 3/12/2008
88 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Along Saddle Road (Highway 200) just past mile 16 (west of Hilo), by Power Line Trail. Kipuka with mixed mesophytic forest dominated by Metrosideros collina. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 5893 Hawaii PTBG 3/14/1988
89 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Keaiwa (TNC preserve) Kau Forest Reserve. 50–70% closed canopy Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha mesic to wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 13802 Hawaii PTBG 6/9/2009
90 Clermontia montis-loa Rock HAWAII: Wailuku river drainage off Saddle road past 14 mile marker, 4 wheel drive road in Metrosideros- Dicranopteris wet forest with Clermontia parviflora, Ilex, Hedyotis terminalis, Saleria , Cibotium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 8571 Hawaii PTBG 7/6/2000
91 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Saddle Road. About 12 mi. from Hilo. In wet depression. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steven P. Darwin 1175 Hawaii PTBG 8/8/1975
92 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Upper Waiakea Forest. Mile 16 W of Hi lo on Tree Planting Road. Rainforest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. Regalado 634 Hawaii PTBG 5/6/1993
93 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kilauea Forest, Ka'u District, elevation ca. 5450' (T-KJa). Open canopy forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN L. W. Cuddihy 626 Hawaii PTBG 10/9/1980
94 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Hilo Forest Reserve, Wailuku River region, off Saddle road. Metrosideros- Dicranopteris wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 13029 Hawaii PTBG 5/19/2008
95 Clermontia montis-loa Rock s hilo dist., up. waiakea forest reserve, along disappointment rd., s. from stainback hwy., 6.8 mi w of n kulani rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN t. g. lammers 5420 UPS 9/2/1983
96 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kaiholena Unit, TNC Ka`u Preserve, Old Plantation Springs area. Closed to open Metrosideros forest. Along streams. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12400 Hawaii PTBG 5/15/2007
97 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kaiholena Unit, TNC Ka`u Preserve, Nanuamaia to northeastern fence corner. Closed to open Metrosideros forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 12434 Hawaii PTBG 5/17/2007
98 Clermontia montis-loa Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 606 Hawaii US
99 Clermontia montis-loa Rock piihonua; hilo forest reserve, site 13 os PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Maui US 5/23/1978
100 Clermontia montis-loa Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 2039 Maui US
101 Clermontia montis-loa Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 2030 Maui US
102 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Hilo District, upper Kulani Prison Road. Open areas of forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Carlquist, S. 2030 Hawaii US 7/22/1966
103 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kaiholena unit, tnc, ka'u preserve, old plantation springs area. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, e. naboa, j. replogle & j. roddy 12865 Maui US 3/12/2008
104 Clermontia montis-loa Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 1867 Kauai US
105 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Keaiwa (TNC preserve) Kau Forest Reserve. Mesic to wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R. 13802 Hawaii US 6/9/2009
106 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kaiholena Unit, TNC, Ka'u Preserve, Old Plantation Springs area. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Naboa, E.; Replogle, J.; Roddy, J. 12865 Hawaii US 3/12/2008
107 Clermontia montis-loa Rock hilo district, upper kulani prison road. Open areas of forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 2030 Hawaii US 7/22/1966
108 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kulani Prison Road, 2 miles east of Kulani PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Henrickson, J. S. 4121 Hawaii US 8/7/1969
109 Clermontia montis-loa Rock S. Hilo Dist., Up. Waiakea Forest Res., along Disappointment Rd., rd. running s. from Stainback Hwy., 6.8 mi w of N. Kulani Rd PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lammers, T. G. 5419 Hawaii US 9/2/1983
110 Clermontia montis-loa Rock wailuku river PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hawaii US 9/4/1983
111 Clermontia montis-loa Rock keaiwa (tnc preserve) kau forest reserve. Mesic to wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood 13802 Hawaii US 6/9/2009
112 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kulani prison road, 2 miles east of kulani PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. s. henrickson 4121 Hawaii US 8/7/1969
113 Clermontia montis-loa Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN US 2/8/1962
114 Clermontia montis-loa Rock s. hilo dist., up. waiakea forest res., along disappointment rd., rd. running s. from stainback hwy., 6.8 mi w of n. kulani rd PRESERVED_SPECIMEN t. g. lammers 5419 Hawaii US 9/2/1983
115 Clermontia montis-loa Rock border of hamakua and s kohala distl, upper hamakua ditch, waipio valley, above alakahi stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & s. p. perlman 2188 Hawaii US 12/17/1992
116 Clermontia montis-loa Rock saddle road, 12 mi from hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. darwin 1175 Hawaii US 8/8/1975
117 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Puu Makaala N.A.R., survey transect 9, Kulani Cone slopes along transect line PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Abbott, L.; Hill, B. 10533 Hawaii US 2/18/1988
118 Clermontia montis-loa Rock 4.6 miles up Kulani Road, S. Hilo District, Waiakea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Bean, R. S.; Cowan, R. S.; Rogers, D. P. 22344 Hawaii US 12/24/1946
119 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Hilo Forest Reserve, Wailuku River Rd, N of Hwy at 22.4 km marker of Saddle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN R. Palmer & D. Paul 30025 Hawaii US 7/23/1997
120 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Border of Hamakua and S Kohala Distl, Upper Hamakua Ditch, Waipio Valley, above Alakahi Stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Perlman, S. P. 2188 Hawaii US 12/17/1992
121 Clermontia montis-loa Rock S Hilo Dist., Up. Waiakea Forest Reserve, along Disappointment Rd., S. from Stainback Hwy., 6.8 mi W of N Kulani Rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lammers, T. G. 5420 Hawaii US 9/2/1983
122 Clermontia montis-loa Rock near the Saddle Road 19.8 miles from Hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D. R. 900 Hawaii US 2/8/1968
123 Clermontia montis-loa Rock near the saddle road 19.8 miles from hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. r. herbst 900 Hawaii US 2/8/1968
124 Clermontia montis-loa Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 608e Molokai US
125 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kahaualea N.A.R., survey transect 6, in from Glenwood PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Gon, S.; Abbott, L. 10503 Hawaii US 12/7/1988
126 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Hilo Forest Reserve, Wailuku River Rd, N of Hwy at 22.4 km marker of Saddle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Palmer, R. E.; Paul, D. 30025 Hawaii US 7/23/1997
127 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Saddle Road, 12 mi from Hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Darwin, S. P. 1175 Hawaii US 8/8/1975
128 Clermontia montis-loa Rock 4.6 miles up kulani road, s. hilo district, waiakea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john, r. bean, r. s. cowan & d. rogers 22344 Hawaii US 12/24/1946
129 Clermontia montis-loa Rock moaula gulch, kau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN russ, g.w. Hawaii BISH 9/1/1927
130 Clermontia montis-loa Rock S Hilo, ~17 mi. SE of Pohakuloa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Webster, G.L. Gankin, R.; Herbst, D. Collector Number: 13968 Hawaii BISH 6/28/1968
131 Clermontia montis-loa Rock puu makaala n.a.r., survey transect 9, kulani cone slopes along transect line PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman, l. abbott & b. hill 10533 Oahu US 2/18/1988
132 Clermontia montis-loa Rock s hilo, piihonua, e mauna kea, fork of wailuku river and waipahoehoe gulch Wet Metrosideros & Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1587 Hawaii BISH 12/5/1977
133 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, waiohinu, se mauna loa, s of kipuka pahipa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van riper iii, c. et al. collector number: jdj 671 Kauai BISH 6/3/1976
134 Clermontia montis-loa Rock S Hilo, Puu Makaala, ~1 mi S on Disappointment Road from jct. with Kulani Prison Rd. wet forest; with Clermontia parviflora, Cibotium, Metrosideros collina, Gouldia, Myrsine lessertiana, Urera PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gustafson, R. 1682 Hawaii BISH 5/20/1980
135 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau, Naalehu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 10002 Hawaii BISH 1/9/1912
136 Clermontia montis-loa Rock makai of kulani prison On underside of Drydock AFDL-35 towed to Honolulu from San Diego. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. greenwell, a. collector number: 21840 Oahu BISH 2/15/1952
137 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Stainback Highway, South HIlo District Growing near road in disturbed Metrosideros - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gay, R. Collector Number: ESP 243 Hawaii BISH 7/12/1979
138 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kulani Prison Rd., 2 mi E of Kulani rain forest margin PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Henrickson, J.S. 4121 Hawaii BISH 8/7/1969
139 Clermontia montis-loa Rock hilo fr, trail to wailuku stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. ishikawa, s. collector number: 5143 Oahu BISH 1/14/1975
140 Clermontia montis-loa Rock keaiwa (tnc preserve) kau forest reserve Moist wood. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. naboa, e.; replogle, j.; crysdale, s. collector number: 13802 Oahu BISH 6/9/2009
141 Clermontia montis-loa Rock s hilo, ~17 mi. se of pohakuloa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN webster, g.l. gankin, r.; herbst, d. collector number: 13968 Hawaii BISH 6/28/1968
142 Clermontia montis-loa Rock S Hilo, Piihonua, E Mauna Kea, ~0.5 km N of 1855 flow wet ohia; on Cibotium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1527 Hawaii BISH 11/12/1977
143 Clermontia montis-loa Rock puna, olaa, e mauna loa, se of puu kulani ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns; on broken pahoehoe PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: 1259 Hawaii BISH 7/26/1978
144 Clermontia montis-loa Rock saddle rd. 19.8 mi. from hilo mossy rock by stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 900 Oahu BISH 2/8/1968
145 Clermontia montis-loa Rock n hilo, honohina, w mauna kea, w painiu stream wet ohia; on Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1338 Hawaii BISH 8/19/1977
146 Clermontia montis-loa Rock naalehu kau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, joseph francis charles 10002 CAS 1/6/1912
147 Clermontia montis-loa Rock 29 miles, Hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hashimoto, J. Rock 13121 Hawaii BISH 8/1/1918
148 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau Distr. Waiohinu AHU. Tr 2; SE slope of Mauna Loa, S of Kipuka Pahipa, Kau Forest Reserve ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van Riper III, C. JDJ 671 Hawaii BISH 6/3/1976
149 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kilauea, Lava Tube parking area edge of forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fagerlund, G.O. 321 Hawaii BISH 2/10/1943
150 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kaiholena unit, tnc kau preserve, old plantation springs closed to open Metrosideros forest 50-70% cover @8-15 m with Cheirodendron trigynum 10-30% cover @5-8 m, over secondary canopy of native shrubs with Cibotium chamissoi 50-80% @3-5 m, Sadleria 10-20% @1-3 m, and Broussaisia arguta 10-40% @1.5-4 m, dissected by riparian habitat PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. naboa, e.; replogle, j.; roddy, j. collector number: 12865 Hawaii BISH 3/12/2008
151 Clermontia montis-loa Rock hilo forest reserve, wailuku river rd, n of hwy at 22.4 km marker of saddle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN r. palmer & d. paul 30025 Hawaii US 7/23/1997
152 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Saddle Rd. 19.8 mi from Hilo wet Metrosideros, Cibotium kipuka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 900 Hawaii BISH 2/8/1968
153 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Moaula Gulch, Kau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Russ, G.W. s.n. Hawaii BISH 9/1/1927
154 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kilauea Forest. Location TKHa 3375' Epiphytic on `ohi`a. Growing in closed Metrosideros - Acacia koa - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. Collector Number: 80.299 Hawaii BISH 2/25/1980
155 Clermontia montis-loa Rock N Hilo, Honohina AHU, W slope Mauna Kea, near W fork of Painiu Stream; along edge of stream; Tr 18(74) Wet ohia forest w/other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. Epiphyte on Metrosideros. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1338 Hawaii BISH 8/19/1977
156 Clermontia montis-loa Rock S Hilo, Waiakea, E Mauna Loa, fork of Wailuku River and Waipahoehoe Gulch ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns; on Cibotium, 1 m up PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1638 Hawaii BISH 12/30/1977
157 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau, Makakakopumoa, SE Mauna Loa, Moaula Gulch ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns; on fallen tree PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Scott, M. JDJ 704 Hawaii BISH 6/8/1976
158 Clermontia montis-loa Rock s hilo, puu makaala, ~1 mi. s on disappointment road from jct. with kulani prison rd. wet forest; with Clermontia parviflora, Cibotium, Metrosideros collina, Gouldia, Myrsine lessertiana, Urera PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gustafson, r. collector number: 1682 Hawaii BISH 5/20/1980
159 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kilauea Forest, Kau District. (T-KJa) Epiphytic on fallen log in open canopy Metrosideros - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 626 Hawaii BISH 10/9/1980
160 Clermontia montis-loa Rock above kahuku ranch, kau with Metrosideros, Cibotium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN nagata, k.m. kimura, b. collector number: 1742 Hawaii BISH 7/27/1978
161 Clermontia montis-loa Rock 4.6 mi up Kulani Rd., Waiakea, S Hilo wet forest of Metrosideros and Cibotium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 22344 Hawaii BISH 12/24/1986
162 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kulani Rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 26000 Hawaii BISH 1/1/1958
163 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Waiakea; Site 27 OS Kulani Project Closed healthy forest. Soil a moderately shallow, well drained organic over an a`a flow. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, M. sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum & Broussaisia arguta. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/22/1979
164 Clermontia montis-loa Rock stainback highway, south hilo district Growing near road in disturbed Metrosideros - Cibotium forest, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gay, r. collector number: esp 242 Hawaii BISH 7/12/1979
165 Clermontia montis-loa Rock waiakea; site 27 os kulani project Closed healthy forest. Soil a moderately shallow, well drained organic over an a`a flow. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, M. sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum & Broussaisia arguta. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/22/1979
166 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kapapala, kau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 376 h Hawaii BISH 8/1/1911
167 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Stainback Highway, South HIlo District Growing near road in disturbed Metrosideros - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gay, R. ESP 243 Hawaii BISH 7/12/1979
168 Clermontia montis-loa Rock naalehu, kau, mauna loa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 10002 Hawaii BISH 1/9/1912
169 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Puna, Olaa FR, 10.8 mi from jct. Stainback and 17 hwys toward Kulani Prison moist; with Sadleria PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herat, T. 574 Hawaii BISH 6/15/1974
170 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kulani Rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 26001 Hawaii BISH 1/1/1958
171 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Hilo FR, Wailuku River, off Saddle road wet forest; Metrosideros, Dicranopteris, Sadleria, Kadua centranthoides, Clermontia montis-loa, Vaccinium, Machaerina angustifolia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 13029 Hawaii BISH 5/19/2008
172 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Stainback Highway, South HIlo District Growing near road in disturbed Metrosideros - Cibotium forest, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gay, R. Collector Number: ESP 242 Hawaii BISH 7/12/1979
173 Clermontia montis-loa Rock stainback highway, south hilo district Growing near road in disturbed Metrosideros - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gay, r. collector number: esp 242 Hawaii BISH 7/12/1979
174 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, makakakopumoa, se mauna loa, moaula gulch Slope- 0 Soil- Silty loam PRESERVED_SPECIMEN scott, m. et al. collector number: jdj 705 Oahu BISH 6/8/1976
175 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kulani PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 5/5/1978
176 Clermontia montis-loa Rock steinback rd., upper waiakea fr Rainforest, volcanic terrain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN carter, i. sarikaya, d. collector number: cs13 Hawaii BISH 6/13/2000
177 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Keaiwa (TNC preserve) Kau Forest Reserve 50-70% closed canopy Acasic koa - Metrosideros polymorpha mesic to wet forest. Understory vegetation dominated by Cibotium spp, Broussaisia arguta with Cheirodendron, Myrsine lessertiana, Ilex anomala, Coprosma ochracea, terrestrial Sadleria spp, Athyrium microphyllum, Dryopteri PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 13802 Hawaii BISH 6/9/2009
178 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau, Makakakopumoa, SE Mauna Loa, Moaula Gulch ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns; on fallen tree PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Scott, M. JDJ 703 Hawaii BISH 6/8/1976
179 Clermontia montis-loa Rock steinback rd., upper waiakea fr Rainforest, volcanic terrain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN carter, i. sarikaya, d. collector number: cs18 Hawaii BISH 6/13/2000
180 Clermontia montis-loa Rock 29 miles, hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hashimoto, j. collector number: rock 13121 Hawaii BISH 8/8/1918
181 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Waiakea; Site 21 OS Upper Waiakea Forest Reserve Closed healthy forest. Soil a moderately shallow, well drained organic over an a`a flow. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, M. sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum & Broussaisia arguta. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/1/1979
182 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, naalehu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 10002 Hawaii BISH 1/9/1912
183 Clermontia montis-loa Rock olaa; site 24 os olaa forest reserve alien, native PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Molokai BISH 9/29/1978
184 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Mauna Loa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lindsey, T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 11/1/1957
185 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau, ninole, se mauna loa, ne of 1950 flow near upper punaluu gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN conant, p. et al. collector number: jdj 726 Hawaii BISH 6/17/1976
186 Clermontia montis-loa Rock makai of Kulani Prison dense forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 21840 Hawaii BISH 2/15/1952
187 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kulani rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 26001 Hawaii BISH 1/8/1958
188 Clermontia montis-loa Rock saddle rd. 19.8 mi. from hilo wet Metrosideros, Cibotium kipuka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 900 Hawaii BISH 2/8/1968
189 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau, Makakupu, SE Mauna Loa, Hionamoa gulch koa, ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Conant, P. JDJ 632 Hawaii BISH 5/26/1976
190 Clermontia montis-loa Rock N Hilo, Laupahoehoe, E Mauna Kea, Haakoa Stream; T-17, S-33 Wet koa-‘ohi‘a forest with other native trees and a treefern, native shrub understory PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1293 Hawaii BISH 8/10/1977
191 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Olaa forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lindsey, T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 11/1/1957
192 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau Distr. Waiohinu AHU. Tr 2; SE slope of Mauna Loa, S of Kipuka Pahipa, Kau Forest Reserve ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van Riper III, C. JDJ 672 Hawaii BISH 6/3/1976
193 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Waiakea; Site 21 OS Upper Waiakea Forest Reserve Closed healthy forest. Soil a moderately shallow, well drained organic over an a`a flow. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, M. sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum & Broussaisia arguta. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 1/13/1978
194 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kilauea Forest, Kau District (T-KJa) Epiphytic on fallen log in open canopy Metrosideros - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 626 Hawaii BISH 10/9/1980
195 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Puna, Olaa FR, ~10.8 km from jct of Stainback and 17 Hwys moist, with Sadleria PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herat, T. 573 Hawaii BISH 6/15/1974
196 Clermontia montis-loa Rock steinback rd., upper waiakea fr Rainforest, volcanic terrain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN carter, i. sarikaya, d. collector number: cs14 Hawaii BISH 6/13/2000
197 Clermontia montis-loa Rock makai of kulani prison PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. greenwell, a. collector number: 27838 Oahu BISH 2/15/1952
198 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Puna, Olaa FR, ~10.8 km from jct of Stainback and 17 Hwys with Sadleria PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herat, T. 575 Hawaii BISH 6/15/1974
199 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Stainback Highway, South HIlo District Growing near road in disturbed Metrosideros - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gay, R. ESP 242 Hawaii BISH 7/12/1979
200 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kau Distr. Waiohinu AHU. Tr 2; SE slope of Mauna Loa, S of Kipuka Pahipa, Kau Forest Reserve ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van Riper III, C. JDJ 670 Hawaii BISH 6/3/1976
201 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Waiakea mauka near Clermontia parviflora, rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2693 Hawaii BISH 7/19/1986
202 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Steinback Rd., Upper Waiakea FR Rainforest, volcanic terrain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Carter, I. CS15 Hawaii BISH 6/13/2000
203 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kahaualea n.a.r., survey transect 6, in from glenwood PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman, s. gon & l. abbott 10503 Oahu BISH 12/7/1988
204 Clermontia montis-loa Rock piihonua; hilo forest reserve, site 06 os Stunted ohia wetland dieback; soil a shallow to moderately deep organic type found over a pahoehoe flow. There is some exposed pahoehoe, yet there is mostly water at the surface. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha (occasionally pubescent). PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 6/11/1979
205 Clermontia montis-loa Rock upper Waiakea FR, 2 mi from Saddle Road, Tree Planting Rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wakida, C. ESP 347 Hawaii BISH 4/16/1982
206 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Saddle Rd. kipuka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. s.n. Hawaii BISH 11/27/1957
207 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kulani PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. s.n. Hawaii BISH 5/5/1978
208 Clermontia montis-loa Rock makai of kulani prison dense forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. greenwell, a. collector number: 21840 Hawaii BISH 2/15/1952
209 Clermontia montis-loa Rock upper waiakea fr, 2 mi. from saddle road, tree planting rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wakida, c. collector number: esp 347 Hawaii BISH 4/16/1982
210 Clermontia montis-loa Rock s hilo, waiakea, e mauna loa, fork of wailuku river and waipahoehoe gulch ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns; on Cibotium, 1 m up PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1638 Hawaii BISH 12/30/1977
211 Clermontia montis-loa Rock steinback rd., upper waiakea fr Rainforest, volcanic terrain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN carter, i. sarikaya, d. collector number: cs17 Hawaii BISH 6/13/2000
212 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kilauea, Kalauilehu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 12833 Hawaii BISH 8/30/1917
213 Clermontia montis-loa Rock s hilo, piihonua, e mauna kea, n of 1855 flow wet, ohia; 50 cm up on Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1526 Hawaii BISH 11/12/1977
214 Clermontia montis-loa Rock above Kahuku Ranch, Kau with Metrosideros, Cibotium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 1742 Hawaii BISH 7/27/1978
215 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kilauea forest, kau district (t-kja) Epiphytic on fallen log in open canopy Metrosideros - Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cuddihy, l.w. collector number: 626 Hawaii BISH 10/9/1980
216 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Kapapala, Kau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 376 H Hawaii BISH 8/1/1911
217 Clermontia montis-loa Rock kau dist. kaalaala ahu. tr 9; se slope of mauna loa, kau forest reserve, near waihaka gulch Wet koa ohi`a forest with other native trees & a treefern, native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN casey, t. collins, m. collector number: jdj 627 Hawaii BISH 5/26/1976
218 Clermontia montis-loa Rock Steinback Rd., Upper Waiakea FR Rainforest, volcanic terrain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Carter, I. CS18 Hawaii BISH 6/13/2000